At clegg, we recognise that our environmental impact is small in comparison to the influence we have on the projects we work on every day. We are committed to being Carbon Neutral, offsetting our carbon emissions each year on sustainable projects.
We strive to reduce carbon emissions, minimise waste, and increase our use of renewable resources. Incorporating renewable energy systems into both new construction projects and existing buildings is becoming increasingly essential.
In addition to meeting the primary goals of a building or development, there is a growing expectation that new constructions will operate in an environmentally responsible way. Decision-makers, end users, and communities now increasingly expect carbon-neutral or carbon-positive facilities. They seek efficiency measures that reduce waste and energy costs, as well as heating, electricity, and energy solutions that utilise natural sources. There is also a rising demand for solutions that capture, divert, or store locally generated energy.
You can read more about our sustainability commitment and action plan hereĀ and our Carbon Footprint certificateĀ here.

Creative and technical
Forward thinking
Many forward-thinking businesses and individuals are increasingly looking to introduce these measures to existing buildings, aiming to contribute to the global journey towards Net Zero while improving their operational efficiency.
At Clegg, we provide innovative and technically advanced solutions to integrate renewable energy sources into both new and existing construction projects. Solar panels and thermal energy systems remain the most popular choices, suitable for a wide range of buildings. Free-standing or building-mounted wind turbines can also offer an effective solution. Our expertise ensures the optimal placement of panels or turbines and their efficient integration with water and electrical systems.

Commitment to sustainability
Energy efficiency
We also have experience of more specialist approaches. Depending on your building location, we can support hydropower solutions, including hydroelectricity and tidal energy. We can also support your installation of anaerobic digestion, energy from waste or biomass energy systems that create energy from by-products or waste that would otherwise need disposal by other methods.
With a range of completed projects for businesses of all sizes, our commitment to sustainability in construction and for existing buildings reflects our own focus on reducing our carbon footprint.
We are determined to play our part as a company committed to sustainable business practices and energy efficiency.
Reducing our Carbon
Carbon objective
We are committed to reducing our Carbon within the offices and on projects and will be doing the following.
Design Activities
- Raise awareness with the design and estimating teams.
- Review Continual Professional Development (CPD) and ongoing training.
- Embed carbon footprint reporting into all design and estimating processes.
- Consider design for low carbon materials and building whole life use.
- Proactively work with the value chain in order to identify low carbon opportunities.
- Take weekly meter readings.
- Minimise the use of electricity and gas.
- Turn off equipment, PCs, air conditioning, and heating, overnight
- Consider renewable energy tariff
- Arrange independent energy audit
- Consider energy monitoring equipment and software. (Smart Meter)
- Minimise the use of water in all activities.
- Minimise the creation of waste.
- Understand how waste is disposed of, eg Recycled, landfill, etc
- Recycle as much waste as possible by providing adequate clearly labelled bins
- Eliminate or reduce single-use plastic.
Business Travel
- Consider emissions when travelling for business
- Use public transport eg train, if possible
Staff Commuting
- Survey how staff commute to work
- Raise awareness
- Encourage cycling, walking, public transport, car sharing etc.
Purchasing and Supply Chain
- Engage key suppliers in reducing emissions
- Make low carbon a requirement for future purchasing agreements.
Staff Awareness and Behaviour Change
- Raise awareness and consult with staff regarding CO2 emissions, energy consumption, and other factors.
- Appoint green champions/ ambassadors.